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Thomas L. Rödding is one of the experts of the EU-Standardisation in Digital Product Passport.

Writer's picture: ingaellenkastensingaellenkastens

Updated: 7 days ago

The finished report

The EU Digital Product Passport moved just a big step forward. The CEO of Narravero, Thomas Rödding, is e one of the experts contributing to a pioneering report. Its nothing less than the

"Landscape of Digital Product Passport Standards", published by the 2023 kicked off on 1st September 2020. It is an EU framework project H2020 Coordination and Support Action with the central goal to ensure a neutral, reputable, pragmatic and fair approach to support European and Associated states presence in the international ICT standardisation scene. Building the human European network of ICT Standard Experts has been crucial in making the difference in guaranteeing 2023 begins with an already solid base of diligent and active standards contributors. (Source)

The new EUOS TWG Report captures the landscape of #DPP tackling areas in need of #Standardisation, available #Open Standards and initiatives on product circularity #data. The landscape analysis report covers seven areas of standardisation needs: 1) Data carriers; 2) Unique identifiers and their verification; 3) Link between physical product and digital representation, look-up mechanism; 4) Access rights management; 5) Interoperability; 6) Data storage; 7) Data authentication, reliability, integrity, security and privacy.

"This report and list are thought as a contribution to the current discussion and should help the development of the subject matter by the EU Commission, the existing initiatives, such as the CIRPASS - Digital Product Passport or Battery Passport Project, as well as the later treatment in the European Standardization Organizations CEN and CENELEC and ETSI." Jens Dr. Gayko & Johannes Benjamin Helfritz, lead editors of the report

It was a pleasure for Thomas to be involved and to have worked on this with a great team of skilled people. Traceability turning into #transparency will play a key role to achieve modern #sustainability goals. Supply Chain Due Diligence is already makings its path, so aggregating it to be part of a Digital Product Passport makes a lot of sense. Making this even part of new form of customer interaction is the core of Narravero's technology.

Over the last months I have experienced many inspiring conversations regarding this development. We would like to say thank you to those a lot for letting me learn lots of different perspectives what Future Marketing and Future Sustainability might expect. Thomas L. Rödding, Entrepreneur, Digitalist & Strategist at Narravero

On 28.Apr. 2023 03:00 PM the proudly presents the newly released "Landscape of Standards Report" on Digital Product Passport.

Meet our Speakers

  • Silvana Muscella - Trust-IT Services CEO & 2023 Coordinator

  • Thomas L. Rödding - Entrepreneur, Digitalist & Strategist at Narravero

  • Ilias Iakovidis - Adviser, Digital aspects of green transition at European Commission DG CONNECT

  • Jens Gayko - Managing Director Standardization Council Industrie 4.0

  • Benjamin Helfritz - Head of Quality in Transformation at DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.

  • Susanne Guth-Orlowski - Chief Innovation & Solution Officer at Spherity

  • Francesca Poggiali - Chief Public Policy Officer Europe at GS1

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